When Pigasso Met Mootisse

My big little brother, Walker, is a pretty laid-back, unassuming kind of fellow. Rather quiet. A listener rather than a talker. I’ve never, ever heard him bark. Whine and snore, but never bark. He happens to be an artist. An artist of great renown around these parts. He paints abstract things using his tail and his feet and puts all his happy thoughts into his work. On occasion he has done exhibitions at school and art club meetings and once at the hospital.

I have talked about Walker and his painting before. You might remember. Or might not. You can see more HERE and HERE and HERE.

boys and walker may2011 011Sometimes when he visits a classroom he takes some art books with him to share and encourage some artsy conversation. We recently came across a great book by Ms Nina Laden (who wrote the great book The Night I Followed the Dog)!!!

IMG_2416When Pigasso met Mootisse
by Nina Laden
published by Chronicle Books in 1998

a fiction book suitable for kindergarten and up

Themes – art, friendship, conflict resolution

It begins –
There once was a young pig named Pigasso. While the other piglets rolled in the mud and played games, Pigasso painted. He painted anything and everything, and in a most unusual way.

This is a tale of two artists – a pig named Pigasso who painted in a “most unusual way” and a bull named Mootisse who painted “big, bold, bright pictures.” They both became very famous in their communities. (Much like my Walker.) They became art superstars and everyone wanted their paintings and their photographs and all that stuff that seems to come with being famous. They both decided they needed to get away and find a peaceful place to paint. They ended up finding farms right across the street from each other!!! And they became good friends.

IMG_2417But after awhile they started getting in fights over their work! Criticizing and complaining and calling each other names. (I’ve seen friends at school do this to each other. A very sad thing. 😦 ) They put up a fence right down the middle of their road! Silly artists. Then they began to miss each other. They got lonely. But they were pig-headed and bull-headed and couldn’t bring themselves to kiss and make up. But they did resolve the problem in a most unique way! With paint! Artwork really can speak volumes. And you will have to SEE how they resolved their differences when you check out this book!!!

This tale is kind of a caricature of two REAL artists – Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse and at the end of the book there is a brief biography of these two. I’ve seen quite a bit about Mr Matisse in the media lately with books likeΒ henris scissors and

matisse. Those would be some good books to read along with this one.

After reading a bit the kids in the class got to do some painting of their own! They did some fingerpainting, kind of like Walker, and kind of like Mr Pigasso and Mr Mootisse!!

IMG_2336They sure had a great time!!!! And I don’t think there was any fighting!

For a list of PERFECT PICTURE BOOKS and accompanying resources please visit Ms Susanna Leonard Hill’s blog HERE!

Now it’s your turn! Go out this weekend and let your feelings fly! Paint a masterpiece!!
Your tail waggin’ friend
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38 thoughts on “When Pigasso Met Mootisse

  1. Good morning, Rhythm!
    I like the word play in “Pigasso” and “Mootisse”. Great! πŸ˜‰ And as to your buddy Walker: he’s quite an artist! He should be more well-known! Maybe he can have an exhibition?!
    Have a great day, you two,

  2. I like your choice today! Sounds hilarious, but so true to life. Kids certainly will learn some valuable lessons in the argument and make a truce. There are so many things to talk about in this book. Am curious about the ending. Great review and suggestions to pair the book.

    • You are so funny Ms Trapani!! I hope your fingers are warmed up today. Here in my home base things are starting to chill down considerably! We’re stacking up the firewood! Ms Laden sure did come up with a catchy title for this book! The whole tale is pretty catchy for that matter!!

  3. OH wow! What a cute book!! love the title and the play on names. I have got to get this one!! I Love biographies and this one takes the cake.

    Love your brother Walker too. Cute name for a dog who paints using his feet. I’m goiing to look at your other links when I have more time. they seem most interesting! πŸ™‚

  4. What great art! When is Walker going to have his own art show?

    Nina Laden is such an awesome storyteller! I still need to read this one. Have you read Romeow and Drooliet yet? That one is also super fun! I’m a fan of the ending — much happier than the original tale.

  5. This is one of my absolute favorite picture book artists biographies. When our elementary teachers requested the biographies for the artist units I would keep this one back because I so enjoyed reading it in library time.

  6. I always like to think that Picasso painted realistically, like that Gary Larsen cartoon. His family were probably very easy to spot in school photos.
    You should sell Walker’s art. Put some of the dosh away for a cushy retirement. King-sized dog beds. That sort of thing.

  7. I am late to the party, but what a celebration! I am so honored, and of course so are Pigasso and Mootisse! If you love architecture you should also check out my talented termite “Roberto the Insect Architect.” Thank you so much for this doggone great review Walker.

    • Well, this is where the party never ends, Ms Laden!! And since the guest of honor has now arrived, I guess we can begin in earnest!!! You seem to have a never ending list of fun titles! I’ve now got two more to sniff out! Thanks so much Ms Laden for stopping by and for gracing the world with your witty tales!!!! πŸ˜›

  8. My kindergarten kids always giggle when we read Pigasso and Mootisse — and claim that they would never be as silly as those two artists. (ha ha!!) I am going to check out Henri’s Scissors – it might be time for some Matisse.

  9. Pigasso and Mootisse are such great plays on words, and allow the characters to be pig-headed and bull-headed – so perfect, and very clever! What a great way to introduce kids to art. And your friend Walker is very talented – I love his happy paintings πŸ™‚

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