
img219A friend is a feeling of forever in the heart
Henri Nouwen

I have been blessed with a life filled with friendship. I make friends wherever I go. Mostly human friends. I have some very special friends at school and at the library. I have some very special friends who come to visit me at the 7 Acre Wood. This past week was a busy one filled with friends. My Princesses came to town! And boy, did we have some fun! Books and the river and games and hikes and snuggle time. True friends of my heart. We also had some good time with friends at the library. Books and friends – the best combination.

At the library, surrounded by Friends, we read a fun little book called — Friends!

written and illustrated by Helme Heine
Published by Margaret K. McElderry Books
(an imprint of Simon and Schuster)
in 1982

This is the story of three friends — Charlie Rooster, Johnny Mouse, and Fat Percy. They always said, “Good friends always stick together.” And that’s just what they did! First thing in the morning, they ALL went together to the barn to wake the other animals up. Then they ALL three went for their morning bicycle ride. Yes, that’s right — a bicycle ride! Up and down the roughest paths and steepest cliffs. My reader Friends thought that looked like a lot of fun. I’ve never been on a bike before so I wouldn’t know.

The three Friends had lots of fun playing together during the day. They played hide and seek. (My favorite game!!!) They found an old boat and played at being pirates. They went fishing and picked cherries. They shared the cherries and Charlie Rooster got the cherry stones. (But what are cherry stones?! I think they are the seeds!)

IMG_0677When they got back home in the evening, they decided to spend the night together, because “Good friends always stick together!” But they found that each ones house was not suited for the other friends. So they went to their own houses and there they all dreamed about each other – “the way true friends do.”

This was such a cute, happy story! The illustrations are pure JOY! My reading Friends loved this one. They laughed at the silly antics of the Friends. And we talked about what it means to be a good friend. Everyone had special Friends that they liked doing things with. I suggest you check this book out. It will make you smile!

If you happen to know some German, you might want to visit Mr. Heine’s website HERE. It looks rather fun, but I can’t make head nor tail of it.

Now to put a little Rhythm into your day — I give you Lyle Lovett and Randy Newman singing You’ve Got a Friend — enjoy!

You’ve Got a Friend in me for sure!

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20 thoughts on “Friends

  1. Hi Rhythm,
    Thanks for introducing me to the author Helme Heine. I had never heard of him before. I went to his website since I, as a native German, can understand that. Very interesting. I might want to get some of his books for the child in me. 😉
    Have a good one,
    P.S.: I still have a few children’s books in German here, and during my last visit in Germany I found one that reminded me of my childhood, the stories of “Lurchi, the Salamander”. I always got one of his picture stories when I got new shoes at the Salamander shoe store. And I’m really happy I found a book with quite a few of those cartoons. 🙂
    P.P.S.: If you have any questions about Helme Heine’s website, just let me know. I’d be happy to help.

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